Bit of History about the Mo-Kan Awards:
the Spring of 2012, an independent effort to recognize the
work of W0AIB - Larry Staples of Larry’s List was initiated
with the coordination and input from as many of the of the
Amateur Radio Clubs from the Kansas City region that could
be found. While this effort was an outstanding success, a
good deal of effort was expended to simply locate the various
points of contact, and to collect the funds needed for the
award. Recognizing the need for a Regional Organization, not
simply for awards and recognition, but to include many other
topics of interest to the Amateur Radio Community was the
beginning of organizing the Mo-Kan Regional Council of Amateur
Radio Organizations!
Initially, the award included a framed certificate, and a
trophy depicting and American Bald Eagle in flight, thus the
award gaining the name of the Eagle Award. A couple
of years later, Larry Staples, (the one time Committee Chair
of the Mo-Kan Regional Council’s Awards and Recognition
Committee,) pointed out that a more appropriate trophy might
consist of an Astatic D-104 Silver Eagle Microphone, thus
more accurately capturing part of Amateur Radio, while maintaining
the “Eagle” in the award. The wood base for these
beautiful awards has been created by the talented David Albright
– KE0DSV of Kansas City.
The criteria for the Eagle Awards has been to recognize the
significant efforts and success of individuals from the Kansas
City Region who have accomplished great work or outstanding
service to the Amateur Radio Community of the Region which
would be considered above and beyond normal expectations.
Award Guidelines, Instructions, and Nomination Form (Apr 20,
review the entire Nomination packet, and read the instructions
before filling out the Nomination Form.
Once the Nomination Form is complete, please email a copy
of the completed form to info@mokancouncil.org or print and
send via US Mail to: