Celebrating 10 Years!
2015 - 2025


What is this all about?


It was once mentioned that 'Kansas City is Ham Radio Heaven!' While many cities or areas have just one Amateur Radio Club or Organization, the Kansas City Metropolitan Area is home to well over thirty such clubs and organizations, and all are thriving!

For a number of years, several of us have thought about creating a Council of Amateur Radio Organizations from the Kansas City Region where we might jointly coordinate and focus many of our activities and efforts. As it turns out, this was not an original idea, and a similar project was launched in 1987 and was incorporated in the State of Missouri at that time. For whatever reason, that first attempt faded away. It is our intent to revive that idea with a new focus on our intent and purpose. This is our mission statement:

  • - Coordinate and foster activities, efforts, and points of the view of the various amateur radio clubs and organizations from the region.
  • - Coordinate and provide meaningful recognition of individuals from the region who have made notable contributions to amateur radio.
  • - Serve as the combined voice for amateur radio on issues affecting amateur radio within our region.
  • - Create solidarity of purpose, a united voice, and a source of pride in everything that is the amateur radio community of our region.
  • Today’s new council is not formed to replace any of the existing amateur radio organizations, nor should it be in place to govern or order any amateur radio organization. The council is there to assist, augment, and serve the various clubs and amateur radio organizations from the region.
  • Please click on the links at the left to learn more about the Mo-Kan Regional Council of Amateur Radio Organizations!
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Mo-Kan Regional Council of Amateur Radio Organizations
All Rights Reserved